Ushindi Children’s Choir

Donations helps Ushindi Children's Choir share Christ to their Kenyan neighbors.



The children’s  choir reaches out to the unsaved of Western Kenya by sharing music and testimonies at schools, crusades, and church events. 

The Ushindi Children's Choir, started in 2006, by Gentry King, an American missionary who served with AOO at the orphanages in Kenya, and church youth pastor and teacher, Francis Anzika.

Anzika has continued as the choir director and raised up teams of the choirs to perform all over Western Kenya, sharing their inspirational songs that they've written and telling their testimonies to other orphans and the lost.

The choir has had three CD's, which are available upon request. 

Here's How You Can Support this Choir and their ministry:

  • You can make a contribution online, specifying your financial gift to the 'Ushindi Children's Choir' 


  • Each year, the money collected into this fund will be designated to the choir to cover all of the costs associated with this ministry including travel, uniforms and instrumentals.



AOO is a registered 501c (3) nonprofit organization in California, and all donations are tax deductible.