Child Sponsorship
100% of your sponsorship donation goes toward helping to provide food, education, medical and overall care of your AOO Sponsored child.
with no part taken out for administrative costs.
The majority of children in the AOO Sponsorship Program are considered "doubled orphaned", losing both parents usually to AIDS. The children have little hope for their future until they are matched with a loving sponsor who is committed to their ongoing care and support.
Your monthly sponsorship of $40 helps provide nourishing daily meals, medical care, clothing, an education, a safe home and a loving Christian staff to care for your sponsor child.
The children write to their sponsors two to three times a year. You can send cards, letters and photos to your sponsor child anytime by mailing the letters to the AOO PO Box in the US. We will be sure to get your letters to them. The children LOVE hearing from you!
Birthdays are celebrated all together in April. Cards are appreciated, rather than sending gifts.
Before Christmas you can send $25 extra so that a special outfit can be bought for your child for Christmas. The children really look forward to this new outfit every year.
AOO Sponsored Children wearing their Sunday best clothes that they got for Christmas last year.
How To get started:
To enroll a child into our sponsorship program you will be responsible for their first month's support payment of $40 plus the one-time child enrollment fee of $100 ($140 Total)
Once we receive your Sponsorship Enrollment form with the supporting payment we will send you a letter that will tell you what child you've been matched with. You will also receive a Photo Card of your child and a Prayer Card with your child's story on it.
- Each year you will get a new Photo Card of your child and an update on their progress.
- Write a letter to your child introducing yourself as their sponsor and include a photo of you and your family.
- You'll get newsletters from us with updates on our Orphan Ministry as well as monthly mailers with reply forms reminding you to add your monthly support. (Of course, you can add your support online if it's easier)
AOO is a registered 501c (3) nonprofit organization in California, and all donations are tax deductible.
Continuing Sponsorships:
If you have already have a child or children enrolled in our Sponsorship Program and need to make monthly or yearly sponsorship payments, you can make your sponsorship support payment online.